0161 258 0166
PO BOX 583
MCR. M16 6HF
Monday - Friday
09:30 - 16:00

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Action Mesothelioma Day event on Friday 5th July. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer which can be caused by very low exposures to asbestos. Despite the 1999 asbestos ban, 2,257 people died of mesothelioma in 2022. We gathered today to remember all those who have died from...

On 14th March 2024, asbestos victims and anti-asbestos campaigners gathered in Manchester and Rochdale to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of Nellie Kershaw's death. Nellie was a Rochdale mill worker, who died of asbestosis on 14th March 1924. Nellie's death is when this country should have stepped in to tightly regulate the asbestos industry, to...

In 2023, we helped 220 people in Greater Manchester who were newly diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease. 114 had the terminal asbestos-related cancer, mesothelioma. Many of these people were exposed to asbestos in the 50s, 60s and 70s through a product called Asbestolux. The manufacturers of Asbestolux, Cape, are still trading, though they ceased manufacturing Asbestolux...

The Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK took the Cape Must Pay! campaign to Labour Party Conference in Liverpool on Sunday 8th October 2023. Labour Party figures, including Stephen Timms MP and Imran Hussain MP, showed their support for the campaign at a fringe event on asbestos. The Forum is asking Altrad, the owners of...

A huge thanks to Bridget Collier of Field Fisher for raising £261 for GMAVSG. Bridget cycled the 100 mile off-road Trans-Cambrian way in 2023. Full report below. Bridgets-Trans-Cambrian-Way-Mountain-Biking-Adventure-112130251_2Download ...

On Friday 8th September, Cape Must Pay! protesters gathered at the Stade de France in Paris, where France were playing New Zealand in the rugby world cup. The Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK are asking both teams to reconsider their sponsorship deals with Altrad, the owners of former asbestos manufacturer Cape. Documents obtained after a...

The Clydebank Post has covered the Cape Must Pay! protest at the Rugby World Cup in Paris tomorrow. Read the article here. We are calling on Altad, the owners of former asbestos manufacturer Cape, to donate £10 million to mesothelioma research. Mesothelioma is an under-researched cancer caused by asbestos. After a lengthy court battle, the Asbestos Victims...

UK and French anti-asbestos campaigners and asbestos victims are protesting outside the France vs New Zealand rugby match at the Stade de France on Friday 8th September 2023. We are holding a press conference in Paris at 6pm on Friday 8th September. Please contact us directly for details of the venue. We are calling on Altrad, whose...